Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Crown of Thorns Today

As we meditate today on the 3rd Sorrowful Mystery of the Rosary, The Crowning with Thorns, we pray for those who are today being persected, because they are Christians. Christ is still being crowned with sharp thorns today as Christians are being persecuted in violent ways in some places in the world.

Christ is also still being crowned with thorns and mocked today in secular societies, where even the mention of the name of Jesus is discouraged. Where the mention of the name of Christ, as in Christmas is avoided. Christmas trees are being called "Holiday" trees. Crucifixes and Crosses are targeted for removal from places where they have been for many years.

Yes, Christ and many Christians are crowned with thorns today in many ways. By remaining true to our faith and following Jesus, we will see the "Crown of Thorns" on earth become the "Crown of Glory" in heaven.

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